Main Entry: in·fec·tious
Pronunciation: -sh&s
Function: adjective
1 a : capable of causing infection [viruses and other infectious agents] b : communicable by infection [an infectious disease] — compare CONTAGIOUS
2 : that corrupts or contaminates
3 : spreading or capable of spreading rapidly to others [their enthusiasm was infectious] [an infectious grin]
– in·fec·tious·ly adverb
– in·fec·tious·ness noun

Wednesday. Hump Day. WORD PLAY. They seem to have become synonymous in my little blog-o-sphere. Since time is of the essence for me today…see I’ll be hopping on an airplane this morning for Orlando…I’d better get my act in gear. Today’s word choice is infectious!

Usage: The sparkle in his eye and his infectious smile are the physical attributes that have captivated my soul.

Again the “play” portion…any comment you leave must use the word infectious in it. Your response can be about anything ~ the post, me (watch it!), something about you, something happening in your life. Knock yourself out thinking of something serious, humorous, or off-beat to comment about here. Just have fun with it!


P.S. ~ I may not have an opportunity to read each of your blogs over the next 6 days since I’ll be visiting Spider and looking to see Derek, Mike, Sorted, and just maybe him (*snark*). I will be trying to do some posting, if possible.
